♡ Just a heads up! You are super appreciated! :P Hope you have a b-e-a-utiful day! ♡


Some days we’re sold out!

“What do ya mean you’re sold out of stickers???!”

You may be wondering what the heck that means. It means we’re a small business and have to create some sort of balance within our business, so our team doesn’t become overloaded with the amount of orders we need to process! Within capitalism, forever growth is encouraged- just keep taking on more and more, and just keep growing your business until it’s a large corporation that has no semblance of its original beginnings. We don’t want that for Sticker Ninja. We want a balance of being able to give a quality service to our (lovey af) customers, as well as keeping in mind the work-load that our employees have to process each day. This is also the reason our website is closed on Sundays, so our prepress team doesn’t come to work on Mondays and be completely bombarded with the amount of orders that need to be processed from over the weekend. Humans don’t need to work full-speed-ahead all of the time, it’s important to pace yourself, and if we have the means to control how our company does things, we’re gonna do it!

So every now and then, our website will be offline because we’re sold out of stickers for the day! If we’re maxed out on orders, then we gotta slow our roll. We love offering our customers a quality customer service experience! Some of y’all have been ordering with us for YEARS and it’s important to us that we have the time to help you all with your sticker needs ♡ It’s also important as heck to us to offer a quality product! We care so much about stickers, that it’s goofy. We want to put a quality product out into the world, because quality matters!! 

As always, our intention is quality over quantity and thank you thank you thank you to all the folks who support our business and the energy we’re trying to put out into the world. We appreciate everyone who knows we’re worth the wait and doesn’t mind coming back the next day to place an order with us. Y’alls support over the years has taken us to where we are today, and we are so grateful for it.